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History Employment



Information Details
Company Name PT. Media Nusantara Citra, Tbk (MNC)
Role Backend software engineer (Machine learning)
Duration Aug 2021 - Present
Place Kebon sirih , Jakarta, Indonesia (Innovation centre)

BuddyKu News

  • BuddyKu (Public)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code
      • Develop new feature and maintain current code
      • Integrate machine learning model to web services
      • Design cache and queue
      • Create scalable api
      • Unit test
      • Join design architecture application
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • Python
        • Go
      • Database
        • MongoDB
        • BigQuery
        • Elasticsearch
      • Queue and cache
        • Redis (cache)
        • Rabbit MQ (queue)



Information Details
Company Name PT. Zebra Cross Teknologi (Indika Group)
Role Backend software engineer
Duration Mar 2020 - Aug 2021
Place INDY Bintaro Office Park

Tripatra Control Tower

  • Tripatra Control Tower (Public)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code
      • Develop new feature and maintain current code
      • Unit test
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • Python
        • Go (GRPC)
        • Javascript Graphql
      • Database
        • PostgreSQL

IDM (Identity manager)

  • IDM (Identity manager) (Private)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code
      • Integrate all authentication users in one place
      • Unit test
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • Go (GRPC)
        • Javascript Graphql
      • Database
        • PostgreSQL



Information Details
Company Name PT. Lingkar Niaga Solusindo
Role Backend software engineer
Duration Okt 2019 - Mar 2020
Place BSD Green Office Park

Sirclo Store

  • Sirclo Store (Public)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code
      • Develop new feature and maintain current code
      • Migrate from PHP to Go
      • Unit test
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • PHP
        • Go
      • Database
        • PostgreSQL
        • MySql


  • Odoo (Warehouse) (Private)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code
      • Maintaining warehouse process eg: inventory, sale order, purchase order ...
      • Create new feature and maintaining current code/module
      • Unit test
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • Python
        • Javascript
      • Database
        • PostgreSQL



Information Details
Company Name PT. Sinergi Teknologi Terpadu
Role Backend software engineer
Duration Mar 2018 - Oct 2019
Place BSD, Serpong Tangerang Selatan

Gps Tracking

  • Gps Tracking (Public)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code
      • Integrate with third party api
      • Develop new feature and maintain current code
      • Define architecture and technology stack
      • Create scalable api and concurrent request
      • Create queue and cache
      • Unit test
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • Python
        • PHP
        • Javascript
        • Java
        • Go
      • Database
        • MongoDB
        • PostgreSQL
      • Cache and Queue
        • Redis (Queue and Cache)



Information Details
Company Name PT. Gtech Digital Asia (Gajah tunggal group)
Role Full stack software engineer
Duration Mar 2017 - Mar 2018
Place BSD, Serpong Tangerang Selatan

Presencing website

  • (Public)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code (CMS and Website)
      • Migrate from Joomla to Python
      • Develop new feature and maintain current code
      • Unit test
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • Python
        • Java
      • Database
        • RethinkDb

Online Interview

  • Online Interview, Jitsi meet (Private)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • Javascript
      • Database
        • Mysql



Information Details
Company Name PT. Accelist Lentera Indonesia
Role Web application developer
Duration Mar 2016 - Mar 2017
Place BSD, Serpong Tangerang Selatan


  • Website CMS, Toyota Astra (Private)
    • Job description
      • Develop backend code CMS
      • Develop new feature and maintain current code
      • Unit test
    • Technology stack
      • Language
        • PHP (Laravel)
      • Database
        • MSSQL Server