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  • I ❤️ building new things and helping others 🤝 . Learning something new everyday 🌞.
  • Practicing clean code ✨.
  • I ❤️ internet of things and everything that smart 🧐.
  • Coding all day and everyday 🤟.
  • 😄 Pronouns: him/he.

Some important things when development is:

  • Documentation
  • Clean code
  • Teamwork
  • Target
Details Information
Nationality Indonesia
Phone +628119754265
Email [email protected]
Address Sanur valley, Lovina 7 No 3, Gunung Sindur, Bogor, 15330, Indonesia
Date of birth Tangerang, 21 October
Education Master's degree, Information Technology (2018-2020)

Active Groups

I am also active in several groups

Github Medium LinkedIn Quora


I'm not the type of person who forces something with one language, I will not make a website with C++, I will choose to learn PHP instead. Use technology according to need, not desire

Server side

I am used several language to some development

Language Framework
Python Plain, Flask, Bottle, Fast api, Sanic, Odoo, Celery
Go Plain, Gorilla mux, Micro, Fast http, Fiber
PHP Laravel, Lumen, Slim
Javascript Express JS, GraphQL

Client side

I don't work much on the client side, but I have a little knowledge about this

Language Framework
Javascript Vanilla, AngularJS, Jquery
HTML Plain, Bootstrap 3

Database side

Type Name / Framework
RDBMS PostgreSQL, MSSQL Server, MySQL, SQL lite
NoSQL MongoDB, Elasticsearch, RethinkDB, Timescale
Memory Redis, Memcached

Message queue/cache

Engine Name / Framework
RabbitMq Celery, Native pubSub
Redis Celery, Native pubSub
Kafka Debezium, native pubSub

Protocol Communication

Type Name / Framework
HTTP Rest, Websocket

Development Environment

Env Details
Native vm Running application native inside VM
Docker Running application inside container
Kubernetes Running application inside kubernetes cluster

Ci/Cd Environment

Please note, these environments may not be my setup, but I know how they work

Env Details
Gitlab Ci/Cd Build application and deploy to development environment
Jenkins Build application and deploy to development environment